DVD Running time 56 Minutes for all levels
In jazz the concept of swing if often alluded to, but rarely described in details. On this video, noted saxophonist and educator David Liebman discusses some basics of jazz rhythm as the phrasing of eighth notes and how to practice them. Also covered are subtle aspects like playing on the top and bottom of the beat as well as metric modulation and more.

DVD running time 2 hrs. 23 min.
This is a video which details the process of playing the saxophone with clear descriptions of the exact mechanisms involved in sound production. Including exercises and demonstrations, it is meant for all styles of saxophone playing.

A collection of 50+ Liebman original compositions, spanning the period from the ’70’s to 2006. The material includes all facets of Lieb’s eclectic approach: modal, chromatic, blues, lyrical and free compositions. Many of the pieces include exact piano voicings and bass-lines. Also included is an essay on “Why Compose?” as well as descriptions of the inspiration for each of the tunes.
“Having the invaluable experience of being associated with Dave Liebman on many levels for many years and also having played and recorded many of these compositions, I can say from experience that his music offers not only the greatest challenges but also the greatest rewards. Practicing and performing his compositions will give you exposure to every type of musical playing situation imaginable and broaden your musical and improvisational horizons.” – Phil Markowitz.

Using established standard songs from previous Aebersold Play-Alongs, Lieb uses one superimposition technique per tune as described in his Chromatic Approach to Jazz Melody and Harmony to demonstrate how common progressions can be interpreted in a chromatic manner. Several transcriptions of the solos are included, done by Matt Vashlishan, as well as a CD with all of Lieb’s solos.

Here is a masterful collection of articles and papers David has written over the years summarizing thoughts on various topics related to jazz and education. Each article is a worthy testament unto itself, but as a collection, they form an enlightening and insightful tool for every music educator and player in search of new ideas and fresh perspectives on teaching for the next century.
“A collection of articles and papers written over the years, this collection is a great resource representing a wealth of important contributions made by the author through his jazz education pursuits. I particularly like the author’s treatises on tone, breathing, transciribing, time and jazz rhythms. It is more than just technical information. The author really gets into basic conepts for the beginning saxophonist by analyzing essential ideas that are a must for jazz education instruction. Going beyond the basics, the author also gets into scales, articulation, listening, imitation, sound, breathing, physical warm ups, ear training, reading and philosophy. The collection is strongly recommended for both saxiphonists and music educators. The articles and papers are very relevant for today’s jazz education market.” — IAJE Journal

Soprano Sax, Oboe, Violin, Cello

A duet for soprano and alto saxophone with some simple improvisatory aspects, this piece has a kind of free association atmosphere.

(Cello and soprano saxophone)

Caris Visentin Liebman’s arrangement of Dave Liebman’s seminal solo soprano saxophone recording from the 1980s, considered to be a classic in the field. This arrangement features improvisation and intense composition, with a perfromacnce length of approx 45 minutes.
To order, email Caris Music caris@ptd.net