In 1989 I made a video titled “The Complete Guide to Saxophone Sound Production” explaining the principles of playing the horn. This new DVD set (five hours) shot at Roberto’s Saxophone Shop in New York (2015) with students present is a complete update of all my teaching materials on the subject.
Available through
2 DVDs
This 2 DVD presentation follows Lieb through one energy packed day in 2004 at the Jamey Aebersold Summer Camps at the University of Louisville. He lectures on a variety of subjects including how to practice and the use of saxophone expressive techniques, interspersed with his always unique interpretations of jazz classics backed by an all star rhythm section of David Hazeltine, Rufus Reid, Steve Davis and John Riley. David’s philosophy is straight forward and comes from the heart backed by years of professional experience.

The goal of practicing, no matter the activity, is to transform behavior from the realm of mechanics and technique to learned instinct, employing little if any conscious thought. This means the mind is free to dwell on matters of content, aesthetics and expression. Specifically, practicing an art form demands rigor and creativity acting in tandem. In the final result, an artist’s work reflects the depth of their practicing process.
Topics Covered:
Where and when to practice • Value of maintaining a practice diary • Use of books • Instrumental technique first • Ritual • Organization • Prioritization • Length of practice period and Highlighting Weaknesses

DVD running time 1 hr. 38 min.
This tape provides a detailed description of this process encompassing elements of ear training, notational devices, instrumental technique and musical analysis. Topics covered include the overall concepts and benefits of transcribing, saturated listeni ng, vocalizing the solo, playing along with the recording, suggested methods of analysis, exercises to expand and individualize the material, categorizing and varying ii-V lines, choosing a solo to work on and more. The emphasis is upon using transcripti on as a tool towards finding one’s own individual voice.

DVD Running time 56 Minutes for all levels
In jazz the concept of swing if often alluded to, but rarely described in details. On this video, noted saxophonist and educator David Liebman discusses some basics of jazz rhythm as the phrasing of eighth notes and how to practice them. Also covered are subtle aspects like playing on the top and bottom of the beat as well as metric modulation and more.

DVD running time 2 hrs. 23 min.
This is a video which details the process of playing the saxophone with clear descriptions of the exact mechanisms involved in sound production. Including exercises and demonstrations, it is meant for all styles of saxophone playing.

Public workshop conducted at Roberto’s Woodwind Shop in New York(2007) with one selection played by Dave Liebman Group.